One of the biggest concerns about installing a pool is safety. No one wants to be responsible for an accidental drowning. The problem with a pool is that it is always there, and people and pets find their way to the pool when there is no one around to supervise. For this reason, something that is required by law is pool fencing. A pool fence is excellent protection against small children entering the pool area, and it also is helpful in the case of liability claims. Pool fences are required by law, so if you are getting a pool, you will be wondering what kind of fence will be best. Here is a look at some pool fence materials.
- Glass: A glass pool fence has several advantages, for starters, it is an elegant material, and it gives very good visibility to the whole area. Another advantage is that glass is nearly impossible to climb, so little ones won’t find it easy to get over to the other side. The disadvantage of glass fences is that they are breakable, with a chance of injury. And they can also be very expensive.
- Wood: Wood is a natural choice for a fence, and there are several reasons for this. Wood is an easy material to use and many people will be able to build their own fence without too many specialty tools or skills. Wood can also be inexpensive, and it can be the cheapest option. There are some disadvantages as well, though. You need to make sure your design would meet the standards required for a Sydney pool fence certificate. Also, wood is not a good material for wet environments, and thirdly wood fences usually give poor visibility to observe the pool area.
- Mesh: Flexible mesh fences are easy to put up and they are generally not expensive. However, they are not designed to last a long time, and you may have trouble getting certification. Mesh fences are not usually the most attractive solutions and they might reduce some of the visual appeal of having a pool.
- Chain Link: Chain link fences are used extensively around pools because they are sturdy, resistant to deterioration, and they have great visibility. It is very common to see chain link fences around city properties because they are such good value, they are also relatively easy to install. One of the drawbacks is the fact that chain link is climbable. For this reason, people often choose to make them rather tall, to discourage all but the most determined invaders.
When it comes to putting up the fence, you will find that some of the more expensive options are the best in the long run. But the important thing is that you build a fence that is safe and does its job protecting pets and children from falling into the pool.